What is TrueContext Teamwork?

The TrueContext TeamworkClosed TrueContext Teamwork is an Enterprise tier feature that enables mobile users to transfer incomplete forms for other users to complete as part of a multi-user workflow. This can be useful for jobs that require someone else's expertise or that span multiple shifts. feature enables mobile users to transfer incomplete forms for other users to complete as part of a workflow. Users can transfer forms directly to other users, or they can submit them as incomplete. Team members can claim forms submitted as incomplete, or supervisors can assign the incomplete forms from the Web Portal. This topic describes the TrueContext Teamwork feature and what it can be used for.

Available on the Enterprise tier only:


TrueContext Teamwork

The TrueContext Teamwork feature supports team collaboration by enabling your mobile users to transfer forms between them. With the TrueContext Teamwork feature, it's easy to implement a multi-user workflow.

Some jobs require more than one technician to complete an assignment. Your mobile workforce can submit incomplete forms for other team members to complete. Supervisors or team leads can track the work’s progress in the Web Portal and take action (unassign or assign work) as needed.

Note: This feature supports consecutive workflows. Only one mobile device user at a time can be assigned to a form.