Prerequisites for Using App‑to‑App Communication

This topic describes the device, team-level, and form-level settings required to use App‑to‑App communication.

Available on all tiers:

  • App‑to‑App communication requires that field users install and sign in to the TrueContext Mobile App.

    Note: App‑to‑App requests sent to logged-out users fail without triggering an x-error callback.

  • The search action works when the TrueContext Mobile App user is online, belongs to a TrueContext team with Search enabled, and has access to Search-enabled forms.

  • You must use URL encoding for all App‑to‑App requests. Use UTF-8 based percent encoding for all special characters other than parentheses ( ).

  • Inbound requests are supported on all tiers, but callbacks are supported only on the Advanced and Enterprise tiers.

  • If you share data from forms in App‑to‑App callbacks, we recommend that you define an allow list. This limits the URLs and apps that can receive the data and guards against unintended sharing of information.

    Info:The topic Configure a Custom App‑to‑App Allow List provides detailed steps to define the URLs and apps that can receive callbacks.

  • If you want to use custom callback parameters, they must be configured and saved as part of the form.

    Info:The topic Configure App‑to‑App Custom Callback Parameters provides more information about custom callback configuration.