Form Submission Retention and Deletion
Retention period
You can access form submission data in the TrueContext platform up to 365 days from the date the form was submitted or until the termination of your agreement, whichever comes first. After 365 days, TrueContext maintains the right to purge data, unless specific customer terms and conditions indicate otherwise.
We encourage you to develop, implement, and maintain procedures to retrieve and archive form submission data to your own systems in a timely manner.
Form submission deletion process
Each of the following events triggers the deletion process:
- You delete your own form submissions using the TrueContext web portal or API endpoint.
Result: The data is deleted immediately from the TrueContext servers and 45 days later from the Disaster Recovery storage:
- You terminate your TrueContext agreement. Note: Upon termination of your TrueContext agreement, you can no longer access your form submissions.
Result: Your form submissions are retained on the TrueContext servers for seven (7) days, and permanently deleted from TrueContext Disaster Recovery storage forty-five (45) days thereafter.