Transfer an Incomplete TrueContext Teamwork-enabled Form

The TrueContext TeamworkClosed TrueContext Teamwork is an Enterprise tier feature that enables mobile users to transfer incomplete forms for other users to complete as part of a multi-user workflow. This can be useful for jobs that require someone else's expertise or that span multiple shifts. feature lets you submit or transfer incomplete forms for other users to claim or supervisors to assign. This topic describes in detailed steps how to transfer an incomplete form using the TrueContext Mobile App.

Available on the Enterprise tier only:

  1. Open a form that has TrueContext Teamwork enabled. The following table describes how you can open a TrueContext Teamwork-enabled form.

    Open from Description
    Inbox Open forms that your supervisor or team lead dispatched or sent you for editing, or that another mobile user transferred directly to you.
    Forms Open a new form to initiate a workflow. The form must be configured with the user-initiated option.

    Search for and claim an incomplete form submission. The form must be configured as searchable.

    Note:If your supervisor or team lead dispatches a TrueContext Teamwork-enabled form to you, you can’t decline it. If you don’t want to accept the form, you can Transfer it instead.

    In the following example, a supervisor dispatches a form with partially completed information to a delivery driver.

  2. Answer the questions as you normally would. You can leave any questions, including required questions, unanswered.

    In the example, the driver can't complete the delivery. The driver can either

    • transfer the form to someone on a later shift, or

    • make the form available to other team members for delivery on a different day.

    The delivery driver is unable to complete the delivery because the customer is not home.

    Tip:When you transfer an incomplete form, you can include answers for the next user to review, even if they have errors. For example, if an image question has a limit of two images, and you include three, you can still transfer the form. The user who then works on that form can decide which two of the three images to submit when they complete the form.

  3. Transfer an incomplete TrueContext Teamwork-enabled form

    The way that you transfer the form depends on your device.

    • iOS iPhone: Select Back, and then select Close > Transfer.

    • iOS iPad: Select Close > Transfer.

    • Android and Windows: Select the action menu, and then select Transfer.

    Result: The following table describes a user’s experience based on the form configuration:

    Form configuration User experience
    • Allow users to transfer forms directly to other users

    • Allow users to release partially completed forms for other users to claim

    The app opens a list of other users you can transfer the form directly to. It also gives you the option to transfer the form to Anyone (Unassigned).

    Tip:If you transfer the form to Anyone (Unassigned), other users can search for and claim the incomplete form, or supervisors can assign the form from the Web Portal.

    • Only allow users to transfer forms directly to other users

    The app opens a list of other users you can transfer the form to.
    • Only allow users to release partially completed forms for other users to claim

    The app prompts you to confirm that you want to transfer the form. When you confirm, the form becomes available for other users to search for and claim or your supervisor to assign.