Review Your Data on the Web Portal

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When Form Submissions are made, they are synced to the web administration portal. Here, you can filter submissions to find ones that match your criteria, review the submitted data and images in the Web Portal, or download a list of submissions in a spreadsheet.

Read more about reporting in TrueContext for more advanced options.

Watch the video below to see how to view your data in the web portal.

Access your Form's Submissions

From the Form:

  1. Go to the desired form.

  2. Select GO TO SUBMISSIONS near the form name.

    "Go to Submissions" viewable on Form portal page

  3. You will land on the Form Submissions page. It will list all submissions made for this form. By default, the list shows submissions made in the last 30 days.

    Form Submissions page that shows results of submissions for the selected form for the last 30 days. The page indicates that three filters are applied.

  4. To easily find specific submissions, open Search Options to add some filters (submission state, submitter, or date). Select Filter to get the new results. Search Options filter Form Submissions to the last 30 days by default.

    Search options to filter lists of Form Submissions. The filters are set to "Use Date Period", filter by "Date Submitted on Device", and within "Last 30 Days".

  5. Select the reference number of the desired submission to review the full information.

    Selecting the reference number of a form submission

From the Data and Analytics tab:

  1. Select the Data & Analytics item in the top navigation, or hover over it then select Submissions (by Form).

    "Submissions (by Form)" in the Data and Analytics menu

  2. In the pop-up, find the name of the desired form. You can type the Form name or FormSpaceClosed FormSpaces are where forms are stored and organized in the TrueContext Web Portal. A TrueContext Team may have multiple FormSpaces, depending on their needs. Admins can set FormSpace permissions to control which users have access to the forms in that FormSpace. name to filter the list. Select the form, then select Continue.

    View Form Submissions Selection Window

  3. You will land on the Form Submissions page. It will list submissions made for this form from the last 30 days. Select the reference number of the desired submission to review the full information.

Download a Submission as a PDF

  1. Navigate to an individual form submission.

  2. Hover over the arrow beside the reference number.

  3. Select a file format to download the data in.

  4. The document should start to download immediately. Open the file to view it. Note that the appearance of this document can be customized, and your own branding can be added.

    Example PDF form page