The Mobile App Navigation: Android

This topic describes how to navigate TrueContext for Android.

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The default home page of the Android app displays five tiles: Forms, Inbox, Drafts, Outbox, and Sent.

There are five tiles on the Android Mobile App Home Screen: Forms, Inbox, Drafts, Outbox, and Sent. The boxes seen may vary (and may appear in a different order) based on team settings.


2017-03-16-Android6-8-Forms.png The Forms list in the TrueContext Android app.

Forms lists all forms available for the user to fill out. To open a form, simply tap on it. If there are multiple forms, scroll to view all available forms.

Where are my Forms?

If there are no forms listed, no forms have been assigned to the user in the FormSpace or the user has incorrect Group permissions.


The Inbox page on the TrueContext Android app.

While forms that appear in the Forms box can be started by the user, forms that appear in the Inbox have been initiated (or Dispatched) by a TrueContext team administrator. By default, forms in the Inbox are listed by "Form Name - Date and Time last edited".

Read more about how an administrator can customize this naming convention.

About Dispatched forms:

  • An administrator prefills some information on a form, uploads the data to the Web Portal, and dispatches the partially-filled form to the mobile device of a user.
  • Customer information and job details are items typically filled out by an administrator before dispatching.
  • Prefilled fields may be set by an administrator to Read-Only so they cannot be edited on the mobile device.
  • Forms in the Inbox can be opened by tapping on them, as with all forms. The remaining fields in the form can be filled out and the form can be submitted normally.

DispatchClosed The term "dispatch" refers to the act of sending a form to a mobile user or customer. Typically, a dispatched record includes some information pre-filled to give the recipient context for the work to be done. Dispatch can be manual or automated (using a Dispatch Data Destination or the TrueContext REST API). Notes

Where applicable, dispatch notes appear beneath dispatches. These usually contain job-relevant information included when the home user sends out the dispatch to the mobile user.


The Inbox is sorted alphabetically. Dispatches in black italics are non-declinable dispatches, while dispatches in blue can be declined. If an edit is requested on a dispatch, it will be black, with a blue Edit Requested.

Declining a Dispatch

1. Navigate to the Inbox. 2. Tap and hold the dispatch you wish to delete, then select the trash can icon to decline. 3. Select OK when asked to confirm.
2019-05-16-AND-DeclineDispatch01.png 2019-05-16-AND-DeclineDispatch02.png 2019-05-16-AND-DeclineDispatch03.png

You can check declined dispatches in the TrueContext Web PortalClosed The TrueContext Web Portal is a web application used to manage security settings, forms, FormSpaces, other users, Data Sources, and Data Destinations.: Data & Analytics > Submissions (by Form) > FormName. A red arrow indicates a declined dispatch.


2017-03-16-Android6-8-Drafts.png The Drafts page in the TrueContext Android app.

Drafts lists saved forms that a user opened from the Forms list. These forms have been opened and partially filled out, but not submitted or discarded. Any form in Drafts may be tapped to open and continue editing.

Any data in a draft will remain on the device and will not appear on the TrueContext server until the form has been submitted by the user. Once a form is submitted, it will disappear from the Drafts box.

By default, forms in the Drafts box are listed by "Form Name - Date and Time last edited".

Read more about how an administrator can customize this naming convention.

Delete Drafts

If a user no longer needs to keep their draft forms, they can delete them from their device.

  • Select individual drafts to delete by tapping and holding the item until a checkbox appears. Then tap on additional drafts you wish to delete and select the trash can icon.


When a user submits a form, the Mobile App sends it to the Outbox. The Outbox is a temporary queue for the submitted form before it uploads to the TrueContext Web Portal. Once the submitted form successfully uploads, it moves to the Sent list.

Note:Forms can only be uploaded to the server when the device is online.

By default, forms are listed in the Outbox in alphabetical order.

Warning: You can’t edit forms in the Outbox, but you can delete them. If you delete a form from the Outbox, you’ll lose the data that’s in the form.



The Sent list holds forms that have been submitted to and received by the TrueContext Web Portal.

Info:The topic Using the “Sent” List describes how the Sent list works in more detail.