Steps to Enable TrueContext Teamwork on a Form

The TrueContext TeamworkClosed TrueContext Teamwork is an Enterprise tier feature that enables mobile users to transfer incomplete forms for other users to complete as part of a multi-user workflow. This can be useful for jobs that require someone else's expertise or that span multiple shifts. feature enables you to configure forms that mobile users can submit as incomplete. They can transfer the forms directly to other users or submit them for other users to claim. Other users can claim the forms to continue to work on them, or supervisors can assign them from the Web Portal. This topic provides step-by-step instructions to configure TrueContext Teamwork on a form.

Available on the Enterprise tier only:


Make sure that you meet the Prerequisites for a TrueContext Teamwork-enabled Form.

Enable TrueContext Teamwork on a form

  1. From the Manage Forms menu, navigate to the form you want to configure.

  2. Select Edit Form.

  3. Select Settings, and then select the Workflow Settings.

  4. In the TrueContext Teamwork section, select the checkboxes to enable mobile device users to transfer partially completed (incomplete) forms. You can select the following options to meet your workflow requirements:

    • Display submitted forms in the Search list on the device to allow users to search for incomplete forms that they can claim.

      Info:You must enable the Search box at the team level to configure the Search Options at the form level. The topic Enable the Mobile Search feature describes how Admin users enable the Search box.

    • Allow users to transfer forms directly to other users. Users can transfer incomplete forms directly to any user who has permissions to access the form.

    • Allow users to transfer forms for any other team member to claim, or a supervisor to assign.

      Tip:With any TrueContext Teamwork configuration, supervisors can always unassign and assign forms as needed.

    Form Builder with Settings > Workflow Settings > TrueContext Teamwork configuration

Note:The TrueContext Teamwork feature is not compatible with the Data Passthrough feature. If you enable Data Passthrough, the TrueContext servers do not store the data from your Form Submissions, so you can’t work on incomplete form submissions.

Tip:Remember to Save and Deploy the form when you’re ready to make it available to your field users.