Zendesk Ticket Data Destination

Available on the Advanced and Enterprise tiers:



The Zendesk Ticket data destination create a Zendesk "ticket" using data from a submitted form. Create custom file and folder names based on data in the form to logically organize and manage files.

Use your forms to specify priorities and ticket types, and to create dynamic, customized subject lines and comments. Not all of the data in a submitted form needs to appear in the Zendesk ticket; pick and choose the applicable fields to include, and even include photos as ticket attachments. The Zendesk Data DestinationClosed A Data Destination specifies where to send data from a submitted form. You can use Data Destinations to automate data sharing and storage, routing data to a specific service (such as email or cloud storage) in several different formats. can create new Zendesk users, or submit tickets through an existing user whose email address matches the TrueContext user’s email address.

Data destinations automatically back up data collected in the field. They reduce the need to visit the web portal by making submitted forms available through the services you already use. Different documents can also be sent to different services with a single form submission. Read here for more information on data destinations.

Zendesk is cloud-based customer service platform offering tools for customer support, self-service support, help desk ticket creation, and issue tracking. Zendesk is accessible through the web or through the Zendesk mobile app, and easily integrates with content management systems, customer relationship management tools, and other web apps.

Basic Set Up

  1. Create the data destination following the instructions here.
  2. Connection: Set up a Zendesk Connection or choose an existing connection.
  3. Set up the File Configuration tab as discussed below.

Ticket Fields

Zendesk Account Subdomain

This is the first part of your Zendesk URL. eg If your URL is https://<mybusiness>.zendesk.com/, enter 'mybusiness'.

Ticket Metadata

Optionally set a ticket type and priority level. Use Data Reference Expression Language to use data from the form to fill these, or just enter static text.


  • Valid ticket types are: "problem", "incident", "question", or "task".
  • Valid priority levels are: "urgent", "high", "normal", or "low".  

If allowing a mobile user to select a priority or type, it is recommended that a radiobutton or dropdown question is used to avoid entry errors that may cause tickets to be labeled improperly.

Submitter User ID

Use Data Reference Expression Language to optionally select a Zendesk user based on ID, if they have an ID other than an email address listed in Zendesk.

Requester Name and Address

Use Data Reference Expression Language to fill the requester's information.  If the user does not yet exist in Zendesk, a user account will be created.

Ticket Subject Line and Ticket Comment

Use Data Reference Expression Language to use data from the form to create subject lines and comments. For example, use "Test Ticket - %f - %a[Customer Name]" to create a subject like "Test Ticket - Invoice Request Form - Customer ABC."

Links and Attachments

Testing and Troubleshooting Data Destinations

Data destinations should be configured and tested carefully before using them in production. This is key to ensuring that TrueContext data is received correctly. Please consult the recommendations for testing and troubleshooting data destinations.