Overview: Conditional Logic

Available on the Advanced and Enterprise tiers:



What is Conditional Logic?

Every workday involves making thousands of decisions based on past information and current conditions. This is Conditional Logic. Applying Conditional Logic adds intelligent automation to your mobile forms. You can use Conditional Logic to provide context for your field technicians, enhance their effectiveness, and enforce a workflow.

Conditional logicClosed Conditional logic is a tool in the Form Builder that establishes the workflow of a form. By using the "If This, Then That" structure, questions or sections will be displayed, hidden, or automatically populated based on answers to preceding questions. is based on the structure If This, Then That. You create a task or action that happens when certain conditions are true. Set up the condition, and then choose the action.

We see this all the time in paper forms: "If NO, then add detail below." Conditional Logic improves the speed and quality of data collection in the field by guiding the mobile user through a workflow relevant to the job's context: they require less training and spend less time filling out forms.

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Conditional Statements

The basis for Conditional Logic is "If This, Then That." If This is true, then That action will happen. This is a conditional statement. Using the example of a site inspection form:

Example "If, Then" diagram.

If the room being inspected equals the common room, then show the "common room" section, hide the "washroom" section, and hide the "warehouse" section.

Else and Else If statements are both optional. They allow you to define additional outcomes if the original If is not true.

Example "If, Then, Else If" diagram.

If the room being inspected equals the common room, then show the "common room" section, hide the "washroom" section, and hide the "warehouse" section.

Else If the room being inspected equals the washroom, then show the "washroom" section, hide the "common room" section, and hide the "warehouse" section.

Else If the room being inspected equals the warehouse, then show the "warehouse" section, hide the "common room" section, and hide the "washroom" section.

Else hide the "common room" section, hide the "washroom" section, and hide the "warehouse" section.

Note: To make sure your Conditional Logic rules work as intended in the field, test them thoroughly before you deploy the form. Test the form under a variety of conditions to validate the field user experience.

Benefits of Conditional Logic

Conditional Logic can be used to build more powerful and dynamic forms that react to the context of a job, in real-time. As mobile users fill out the form, the flow and requirements can change based on their answers.

This helps you to:

  • Build forms with different branches, allowing you to merge similar forms into one.

  • Require additional information in specific scenarios, enforcing different requirements in different contexts.

  • Hide information that is irrelevant to the current task, streamlining a user’s workflow.

  • Guide users to complete tasks correctly and in the correct flow, reducing the time it takes to train users to complete a job properly.

Supported Operators and Actions

See the full definitions of available operators and actions.

If... (an answer) Then...
  • Is equal to/not equal to

  • Is greater than/less than

  • Is greater than or equal to

  • Is less than or equal to

  • Is between

  • Contains

  • Is answered/is not answered

  • Matches/does not match a regular expression (Enterprise tier only)

  • Set page ignored/not ignored

  • Set section ignored/not ignored

  • Set question visible/not visible

  • Set question required/not required

  • Set question read-only/not read only

  • Set the value of a question

  • Clear a question

  • Reset a question

If... (a selected language)

(Multi-Language add-on only)

  • Is/is not a specific language

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