Data Types: Date, Time, and Date/Time



The Date, Time, and Date/Time data types record data in an appropriate format for use in questions regarding dates and times. They are often used in Date/Time Stamp questions to record when work began or ended, or to mark the date on a form.

Compatible Question Types

These data types can be used with the following Question Types:

Date/Time Selector Date/Time Stamp Time-Based Math
Date ✘ * ** (Enterprise tier only)
Time ✘ * ✘ **

* The Date/Time Stamp only collects a Date/Time value and cannot be narrowed to a Date or a Time-only stamp.

** Time-Based Math requires a Date/Time value in order to calculate. Customers on the Enterprise tier can also calculate a date value by using the Date data type.

Data Type Properties

Range Validation

This is available on: Date/Time Selector, Time-Based Math.

Ensure that your users are entering appropriate dates by using Range Validation based on the question. For example, an Estimate form may have a future expiration date for the estimate's costs; using Range Validation set to "In the Future", you can ensure that your mobile users enter a future date.


Default Value Source

This is available on: Date/Time Selector

Setting a default value can save time for your users by automatically entering a value based on a static time set by you; based on when they opened the page containing the date/time question; or the time they opened the form (data record start).


Fallback values

If your team is on the Enterprise tier, you can set up fallback values in a Time-Based Math calculation. If a referenced question isn’t answered and doesn’t have a default value, the Time-Based Math calculation uses the fallback value.

Time-Based Math properties tab that shows the settings for fallback values and time units. Time-Based Math uses the fallback value if the referenced question isn't answered.

Info:The topic Question Type: Time-Based Math: Additional options for Enterprise customers describes fallback values in more detail.

Exporting Date/Time Data: Format

When Time/Date data is exported into CSV, it uses the ISO 8601 standard for Date/Time.

For information on how time zones may affect your output, please read: Time Zone Settings