Question Type: Resource Image

This topic describes how to add view-only images to a form for Mobile users to use as a reference. It also describes the different settings and restrictions of Resource Image questions.

Available on the Advanced and Enterprise tiers:



What is a Resource Image question?

A Resource Image question contains up to ten display-only images. Like an Information Label question, there are no answers associated with a Resource Image question. This means that you can use the image as reference material for a specific question or for all of the questions in a section.

For example, you might want to display the following types of images:

  • Diagrams

  • Examples with before and after images

  • Illustrations for job steps

When you create or edit a Resource Image question, you choose one or more previously uploaded Resource Images. If someone updates the Resource Image with a newer version, forms that reference that image automatically update when users reconcile their Mobile App.

When to use a Resource Image question

Use Resource Image questions to display inline the essential information that your users need to answer questions on your form. You can also use Resource Images for company branding.

Note:Resource Image questions use an “Information” data type. This means that you can't dispatch answers to Resource Image questions. If you want to change a Resource Image, you need to edit the Resource Image.

For example, you can:

  • Display a logo image at the top of a page, or at the top of a customer sign-off section.

  • Create work instructions by displaying images surrounded by large blocks of text. To achieve this, use a combination of Resource Image and Information Label questions.

  • Display an image that applies to multiple questions, such as at the beginning of a section.

How to decide whether to use a Resource Image or Help Option

  • Resource Image questions always display the images inline on your form. To ensure that pages load quickly on a mobile device, the following limits apply to Resource Image questions:

    • Ten images per question

    • 100 images per page

    • 100 images per form

  • Help Option images don't impact performance in the same way as Resource Images, because users display these on demand. You can configure up to six Help Option images per question, with no page or form limits.

  • Help Option images are never displayed in documents. Do document users need to see the image?

    • If yes, use a Resource Image question.

    • If no, consider using a Help Option.

  • Do users need to refer to the images while answering more than one question on your form?

    • If yes, use a Resource Image question.

    • If no, consider using a Help Option.

  • Do both your experienced and inexperienced users need to refer to the images?

    • If yes, use a Resource Image question.

    • If no, and the images are mostly for inexperienced users, consider using a Help Option.

Example of a Resource Image question

In this example, you want to include images that help the user to answer a question.

In the Form BuilderClosed The Form Builder is the tool that form designers use to create forms. In the Form Builder, accessed from the TrueContext Web Portal, form designers can add and edit pages, sections, and questions, as well as attach data destinations and configure the form's settings., you define one Information Label and one Resource Image question at the top of the form:

The mobile device user sees the two images displayed inline. The user can tap either thumbnail to display the image full-size.

The following example shows a single image configured as full size.

Create or edit a Resource Image question


How to create or edit a Resource Image question

Select the Resource Images to display

  1. Select the form that you want to work on (Forms & Integrations > List Forms).

  2. Do you want to add a new Resource Image question?

    • If yes, select ADD A QUESTION.

    • If no, select the question that you want to edit, and then go to step 4.

    Note:You can't change the control or data type of an existing Resource Image question.

  3. When prompted for the question type, select Resource Image from the list of options.

    Tip: To filter the list, start typing the name of the question type and then select an option.

  4. From the Select a Resource Image list, select one of the Resource Images within your FormSpace.

  5. Repeat step 4 for up to ten Resource Images.

    Note:Resource Image questions always display the images inline on your form. To ensure that pages load quickly on a mobile device, the following limits apply to Resource Image questions:
    • Ten images per question

    • 100 images per page

    • 100 images per form

  6. Enter a unique identifier (label) for this question.

Configure any restrictions

Note:Because this question type is information only, you can't make it required, and you can’t disable the read-only setting.

  1. Do you want to hide the image on devices?

    • If yes, in the Restrictions section, select Hidden on device.

      Result: The image is displayed in documents but not on a user's mobile device.

    • If no, go to step 2.

  2. To hide the image in documents and reports (such as CSV exports and on the portal form submission details pages), select Hidden on reports.

    Result: This hides the image on documents and reports and disables the Document Visibility Settings on the Properties tab.

    Info:The topic Controlling Visibility of the Information Control in Documents provides more information about how to control question visibility in documents.

  3. You can either Save the question or Configure image properties.

Configure image properties

  1. In your form, select the Properties tab.

  2. By default, TrueContext hides any questions that don't have answers on generated documents. These include Resource Image and Information Label questions.

    Do you want to show this question on the generated document?

    • If yes:

      • Make sure the General tab Hidden on reports checkbox is clear. That setting overrides all other visibility settings.

      • Then, on the Properties tab, in the Image Properties section, select the check box to Always show this question. This setting overrides the Hide unanswered sections rule in the document settings.

    • If no, go to step 4.

  3. To display a color image as black and white in the generated document, select the Convert images to black and white option.

  4. If you selected only one Resource Image, you can choose from the Single Resource Image Options.

    • Select the image size to display in the form, either full size or thumbnail. With either option, the user can tap the image to open it in the full screen window and zoom as required.

      Note:The image size in the form does not affect the size of the image in documents. To change the image size in documents, change the Resource Image settings.

    • Select the image alignment or keep the default of Center.

  5. You can either Save the question or Configure Help Options.

Configure Help Options

You can use the Help OptionsClosed Help Options are ways to add help content, such as YouTube videos, web pages, text, or images, to questions in a form. Mobile users simply tap the help icon next to a question to see the help that the form designer provided. to provide additional information, such as formatted text instructions or a video that shows detailed work steps.

  1. In your form, select the Help Options tab.

  2. Set the Provide help to mobile users toggle to ON.

  3. Select the type of help and enter the details.

    Info:The topic Adding Help Content to Questions provides detailed information about how to set up help content.

  4. Save the question.

Tip:Remember to Save and Deploy the form when you're ready to make it available to your mobile device users.

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