Refresh Form Version and Data in the Mobile App

Refresh on Form Open is a form setting that helps to ensure you get the most recent form version and data in the TrueContext Mobile App. This topic describes how the refresh works and the alerts displayed if a refresh fails.

Available on the Enterprise tier only:



How a refresh works

If your admin set up a form to Refresh on Form Open, you might see an alert when the form opens.

Note:Your device must be online when you open the form. If you started a ReconcileClosed The term "reconcile" refers to a send/receive action between the mobile app and the TrueContext server. This synchronizes new form versions, data sources, and dispatches from the Web Portal to the mobile app to ensure that mobile users are working with up-to-date resources. This also synchronizes new form submissions from the mobile app to the Web Portal to ensure that work completed by a mobile user gets properly submitted and sent through data destinations. A reconcile can be manually or automatically initiated and requires network connectivity. (Sync) before opening the form, the refresh starts after the reconcile finishes.

The app displays a progress message when the refresh starts:

Alert that tells the field user a refresh is in progress

TrueContext checks and updates the following types of form data:

If the refresh completes successfully, you can start work on the form.

Alerts and options when a refresh fails

If the refresh fails, the app can display an alert. The alert message and your options depend on the form setup and type of failure.

Form setupReason for failed refreshAlert displayed on the Mobile AppWhat you can do
IgnoreDevice is offlineNoneStart work on the form.
Network or system errorNone
WarnDevice is offlineAlert that tells the user the form is unable to refresh because the device is offline. The user can discard and try again or continue with the form and data they already have.

One of the following:

  • Move to an area where you have network connectivity and try again.

  • Start work on the form with the version and data you already have.

  • If you Continue, you risk not having the most recent form version and data. For example, if your admin updates the options in a Dropdown question, you won’t have the latest options.

  • If you Discard and try another refresh, make sure that your device is online.

Network or system errorAlert that tells the user the refresh couldn't be completed. The user can discard and try again or continue with the form and data they already have.
BlockDevice is offlineAlert that tells the user the form is unable to refresh because the device is offline. The user must try again when the device is back online.Move to an area where you have network connectivity and try again. You must refresh before you can start work on the form.
Network or system errorAlert that tells the user the refresh failed to complete. The user must try again.

Differences between Reconcile and Refresh