Language Settings and Translations

TrueContext provides your global workforce with support for multiple languages throughout the platform. You can set up Teams, Users, Documents, Data SourcesClosed Data sources, also known as "Lookups", are external sources of data that you upload or connect to TrueContext. You can reference this data in a form to populate answers or answer options. Data sources save typing, reduce errors, and make it easy to provide mobile users with only the relevant, most current data., and the Mobile App to display some types of content in different languages. For the most powerful and comprehensive translations, however, you’ll need the Multi-Language add-on. This topic describes the standard TrueContext language support options and how to set them up.

Available on all tiers:


Info: The Multi-Language feature is available as an add-on to the Advanced and Enterprise tiers. With the Multi-Language feature, you can create a single form and provide it to your field users in multiple languages. You can also set up some types of Documents and files to translate content based on the form’s selected language.


Overview of TrueContext language support

Language support across the platform

TrueContext provides all types of users with the option to work in their preferred languages. You can set up Teams, Users, Documents, Data Sources, the Mobile App, your device, and your browser to display content in different languages. For example, a form designer can work in English, a field user in Spanish, and a Web Portal admin in Japanese.

Language support for the Mobile App and forms

This example shows the TrueContext Mobile App framework in Spanish, based on the device language and locale settings.

Inspection form that shows the Mobile App framework (navigation, action buttons, and error messages) in Spanish, specifically, "Cerrar", "Enviar", "Pulse para seleccionar", "Se requiere esta pregunta", and "Resumen".

The following example shows the form in Spanish.

Inspection form that shows the page and section names, question text, and manually-defined answer options as entered by the form designer.

Info:In this example, the Form Designer created the form in Spanish. To provide your field users with a choice of languages for a single form, you’ll need the Multi-Language add-on.

The next example shows how the user’s selected device language affects the date format when they answer a question.

Inspection form that shows the selected date as "5 de enero de 2023".

Tip:When entering text, a user can type answers in any language that their device keyboard supports.

Language support for the Web Portal

This example shows the submitted form displayed in the Web Portal. In this example, the user profile language is set to Japanese.

Form Submission details that show the Web Portal interface displayed in Japanese, the form content displayed in Spanish, the date format display based on the user profile language, and the anwers displayed as actual values, in this case, from an English-language Data Source.

Info:For questions that use the Date or Date/Time Data Types, TrueContext stores dates in the format yyyy-MM-dd. The Web Portal displays the date format based on the user profile language.

Submission details for the same record in both English and Spanish. The Web Portal displays different date formats based on the user profile language.

Language support for the Form Builder

The following example shows the Form Builder with the user profile language set to Japanese.

Form Builder "Settings" page that shows menus and field labels displayed in Japanese, and form content displayed in Spanish and English, because that's what the form designer entered when they built the form.

Note:When you enter a Unique IDClosed A Unique ID refers to the specific identifier of a question, form page, form section, or Data Destination. Unique IDs are used as reference points when pulling data for conditional logic, Analytics projects, Data Destinations, and Documents. for a page, section, or question, use only letters (with no accent marks) and numbers. Other characters in a Unique ID could cause unexpected behavior.

Language support for Documents

The system uses the Source Language for metadata labels and other system-generated content, such as page numbering. Metadata labels apply to the fields that you select when you set up a document, such as:

  • Reference Number

  • Form Name

  • Submitter Name

  • Submission Date

The following example shows the metadata labels in Japanese. The metadata values are not translated.

PDF document that shows the Reference Number, Submitter, and other form information translated to Japanese.

Info:If you want to translate more than metadata and system-generated content, you’ll need the Multi-Language add-on. Without the Multi-Language add-on, documents do not include translations for question text, answers, or built-in form content.

How TrueContext determines the language to display

The following table describes different language settings and the content that they control.

Info:None of the following settings affect the built-in form or document content. If you want to offer Forms and Documents in multiple languages, you’ll need the Multi-Language add-on.

In the following table:

  • Chinese (China) is Chinese (Simplified).

  • Chinese (Hong Kong SAR China) is Chinese (Traditional).

Setting Content Languages supported by TrueContext
Device language

In the TrueContext iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows s:

  • Menus

  • Settings

  • Messages

  • Notifications

Tip:The device language does not change the language of the form content.

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Japanese

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Turkish

Keyboard language In the Mobile Apps, entries that you type into a field. All languages that your keyboard supports.
Browser language

In the Web Portal, the browser language affects the sign-in screen.

All languages supported by your browser.

In Customer Feedback forms, the browser language affects the framework, such as:

  • Action buttons

  • Confirmation messages

  • Error messages

  • English

  • German

  • Spanish

  • French

  • Japanese

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Turkish

TrueContext User profile

Form Builder, Web Portal, and message display language, including:

  • New user welcome email

  • Menus and other user interface elements

  • Settings

  • Confirmation messages

  • Error messages

  • Emails and notifications

  • English

  • French

  • Japanese

  • Spanish

TrueContext Team settings

General > Team SettingsClosed The Team Settings page is the page where an admin can manage their team's account and edit certain information, such as assigning a Problem Contact Email Address, toggling push notifications, and viewing the account's billing information. > Language:

  • Emails that the system sends to problem contact email addresses.

  • Default language for new user profiles. You can choose a different language when you create the user profile. Users can also sign into the Web Portal to change their language themselves.

Tip:This setting does not change the language of the form content or answers.

  • English

  • French

  • Japanese

  • Spanish

General > Document and Data Display Settings > Default Document Language

Default Source Language for new documents.

Tip:You can select a different Source Language when you set up the Source Language for a document.

The Source Language affects translations for:

Info:If you want to translate other document content, you’ll need the Multi-Language add-on.

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (China)

  • Chinese (Hong Kong SAR China)

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • Dutch

  • English

  • Finnish

  • French

  • German

  • Greek

  • Hebrew

  • Hindi

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Norwegian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Serbian

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Thai

  • Turkish

  • Ukrainian

  • Vietnamese

Note:TrueContext does not officially support right-to-left languages. You might find, however, that a form built using a right-to-left language displays correctly on the Mobile App and in some types of Documents.

If you use a right-to-left language to build your form, test thoroughly on all devices and in Documents generated for submitted forms.

Change your language settings

Change the language of the TrueContext Mobile App

The language setting on your device determines the language displayed in the TrueContext Mobile App. How you change those settings depends on:

  • The type of device.

  • The Operating System (OS) version.

  • Whether your organization uses a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system.

Note:Keep in mind that:
  • Changes to the device language only affect the language of the Mobile App framework, not the content of the form itself.

  • If you set your device to a language that isn’t one of our supported languages, the Mobile App defaults to English.

For more information about how to set up your device language, refer to the manufacturer’s help pages.

Change the language for problem contacts and new user defaults

The team-level Language setting determines the:

  • Language used in emails that the system sends to problem contact email addresses.

  • Default language displayed when you set up a new user. You can change the default language to a different language when you create the user. They can also sign into the Web Portal to change the language themselves.

  1. As a TrueContext Admin user, select Team Settings.

    User options "User Profile" and "Team Settings"

  2. On the General tab, in the Team Settings section, select a Language.


  3. Select Update at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Change the language for the Customer Feedback form framework

Browser settings determine the language used to display the Customer Feedback form framework (built-in navigation, messages, and notifications). How you change those settings depends on your browser and device.

  • On an iPhone, go to the Settings, select a browser app, and then select the language.

  • On a Mac, go to System Preferences > Language & Region > Apps.

  • On an Android or Windows device, open the browser, go to the browser settings, and then select the language.

Tip:If you set your device to a language that isn’t one of our supported languages, the Customer Feedback form framework defaults to English.

Change the language for form submission Documents

In a visual document (PDF, Microsoft Word, or HTML), you can display some of the labels in different languages. The team-level Default Document Language setting determines the default Source Language for new documents. The Source Language is used to display metadata labels and system-generated content.

When you set up a document:

  • Choose a Source Language that’s the same as or different from the team-level Default Document Language.

  • Select a font. The list includes only those fonts that support the Source Language.

    Info:The topic Supported Fonts in PDF, Word, and HTML Documents lists the fonts that TrueContext supports and the languages they work with.

Note:Documents do not include translations for question text, answers, built-in form content, and Data SourceClosed Data sources, also known as "Lookups", are external sources of data that you upload or connect to TrueContext. You can reference this data in a form to populate answers or answer options. Data sources save typing, reduce errors, and make it easy to provide mobile users with only the relevant, most current data. values. If you want to translate more than metadata and system-generated content, you’ll need the Multi-Language add-on.

Change the language for the Web Portal and Form Builder

Your user profile Language setting determines the display language for both the Web Portal and the Form Builder.

  1. Go to Username > User Profile:

    Username menu that shows the User Profile menu item.

  2. Select Update from the menu next to your username.

    User profile that shows the "Update" option in the username menu.

  3. On the Account tab, in the Locale section, select a language.

    "Locale" section that shows a "Language" list, including: English, Spanish, French, and Japanese.

  4. Select Update at the bottom of the page to save your changes. Once the page loads, your user profile changes to the new language.

    User profile "Cuenta" tab with interface elements shown in Spanish.