Team Settings

Available on all tiers:



Team administrators can manage and administer their team's accounts in the TrueContext web portal. Access Team SettingsClosed The Team Settings page is the page where an admin can manage their team's account and edit certain information, such as assigning a Problem Contact Email Address, toggling push notifications, and viewing the account's billing information. by mousing over your username in the web portal and selecting Team Settings. Within this profile, there are four tabs.

User options "User Profile" and "Team Settings"

General Settings

This tab displays a summary of your team information, primary contact for your team, and preferences.

  • Team Settings
    • Team ID: The team's unique identifier. Not editable.
    • Team Name: This is viewable in the TrueContext web administration portal.
    • Problem Contact Email Addresses: Read more about Problem Contact Email Addresses.
    • Language: The default language for your users; when new users are created, this will be their default language setting for contact emails and web portal. Any user settings will override this.
    • Notify users of push updates via Push Notification messages:  Read more about Push Notifications.
  • Document and Data Display Settings
    • Team Time Zone: This time zone applies to:

      • Dates and times displayed in the Web Portal for your team.

        Note:New users on the team have their Preferred Time Zone set to the Team Time Zone by default. Users can change their Preferred Time Zone.

      • Dates and times in your team’s output documents. The time zone only applies to a document if you set your Document Time Zone Source to Team Preference Setting.

    • Default Document Language: The default language for Document metadata labels.
  • Primary Business Contact:
    • Name: First and last name of the primary contact for your account.
    • Email: Email address of the primary contact for your account.
    • Phone Number: Phone number of the primary contact for your account.
  • Reseller Account Executive:
    • For those TrueContext customers paying through a carrier, the Reseller Account Executive section contains the contact information of the account executive employed by the Carrier who is responsible for issues with TrueContext. This individual works in tandem with TrueContext to ensure full support for the entire TrueContext solution. These fields are automatically populated with values upon signing up with TrueContext and do not need to be changed.

Mobile Device Settings

This tab provides statistical data about the mobile devices being used within your team. Many mobile app settings are controlled entirely on the mobile device; read about iOS App Settings and Android App Settings.

Device Configuration

This tab also includes information on the mobile app tabs configured to show on your users' mobile devices, like the Sent box and Inbox.

Device Support/Help Information

This tab also includes Device Support Information for your team; by default, this information is set to TrueContext Support information. Please read more on how to to customize your Device Support Information or add support information for different languages.

Billing and Usage

This tab lists your TrueContext subscriptions, billing methods and usage.

Custom Branding

This tab allows you to customize the appearance of the Mobile App on your mobile users' iOS and Android devices, as well as the TrueContext web portal and your data record documents, by applying your own branding.

Info:On the Essentials tier, custom branding is only available in Documents.